![Virtual Class](https://vclass.unsil.ac.id/pluginfile.php/1/theme_edumy/headerlogo_mobile/1730887352/LOGO%20UNSIL.png)
3 Kursus
The concept of sociolinguistic competence has been widely echoed and explicitly written in the document of the Indonesian EFL curriculum. However, the promoting and strengthening sociolinguistic competence may have not run as it was supposed to (e.g., enabling students to enhance their sociolinguistic competence). Consequently, the Indonesian EFL students tend to have well-built grammatical & lexical competence compared to sociolinguistic one. As such, this course aims to provide students with a holistic framework of sociolinguistics related to the notions of language and society. It presents a coherent overview of the field of sociolinguistics for second/foreign language teachers, primarily on sociolinguistic issues such as language teachers’ interests and its pedagogical implications on sociolinguistic teaching and research. It emphasises on variation at all levels of language and how such variation constructs and is constructed by identity and culture. Also, it aims to broaden the students’ understanding of how second/foreign language teaching and learning are related to other significant factors including societal, political, cultural, psychological and interpersonal issues. Eventually, it is expected to be a valuable insight for students interested in exploring the relationship between the social context of language learning and success in learning a second or foreign language.